V2 黑岛上的猫客 声望 10 生物工程 2025-03-17 04:56:08 上传
Downregulation of CCND1 and CDK6 by miR-34a induces cell cycle arrest
miRNAs regulate gene expression by inhibiting translation or by targeting messenger RNA (mRNA) for degradation in a post-transcriptional fashion. In the present study, we show that ectopic expression of miR-34a reduces both mRNA and protein levels of cyclin D1 (CCND1) and cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6). We also demonstrate that miR-34a targets the 3′-untranslated mRNA region of CCND1 as well as CDK6, which in turn interferes with phosphorylation of retinoblastoma. In addition, we show that overexpression of miR-34a induces a significant G1 cell-cycle arrest in the A549 cell line. Taken together, our data suggest that the effects of miR-34a on G1 cell cycle arrest are through the down-regulation of CCND1 and CDK6, which is associated with other targets of miR-34a either additively or synergistically.
V1 Antony 声望 1 生物技术 2025-03-07 23:45:02 上传
A Loose Relationship: Incomplete H+/Sugar Coupling in the MFS Sugar Transporter GlcP
Abstract The glucose transporter from Staphylococcus epidermidis, GlcPSe, is a homolog of the human GLUT sugar transporters of the major facilitator superfamily. Together with the xylose transporter from Escherichia coli, XylEEc, the other prominent prokaryotic GLUT homolog, GlcPSe, is equipped with a conserved proton-binding site arguing for an electrogenic transport mode. However, the electrophysiological analysis of GlcPSe presented here reveals important differences between the two GLUT homologs. GlcPSe, unlike XylEEc, does not perform steady-state electrogenic transport at symmetrical pH conditions. Furthermore, when a pH gradient is applied, partially uncoupled transport modes can be generated. In contrast to other bacterial sugar transporters analyzed so far, in GlcPSe sugar binding, translocation and release are also accomplished by the deprotonated transporter. Based on these experimental results, we conclude that coupling of sugar and H+ transport is incomplete in GlcPSe. To verify the viability of the observed partially coupled GlcPSe transport modes, we propose a universal eight-state kinetic model in which any degree of coupling is realized and H+/sugar symport represents only a specific instance. Furthermore, using sequence comparison with strictly coupled XylEEc and similar sugar transporters, we identify an additional charged residue that may be essential for effective H+/sugar symport.
V1 黄轩励 声望 1 动物资源科学 2025-03-06 12:07:06 上传
Dynamic Structural Differences between Human and Mouse STING Lead to Differing Sensitivity to DMXAA
Abstract The stimulator-of-interferon-genes (STING) protein is involved in innate immunity. It has recently been shown that modulation of STING can lead to an aggressive antitumor response. DMXAA is an antitumor agent that had shown great promise in murine models but failed in human clinical trials. The molecular target of DMXAA was subsequently shown to be murine STING (mSTING); however, human STING (hSTING) is insensitive to DMXAA. Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to investigate the differences between hSTING and mSTING that could influence DMXAA binding. An initial set of simulations was performed to investigate a single lid region mutation G230I in hSTING (corresponding residue in mSTING is an Ile), which rendered the protein sensitive to DMXAA. The simulations found that an Ile side chain was enough to form a steric barrier that prevents exit of DMXAA, whereas in WT hSTING, the Gly residue that lacks a side chain formed a porous lid region that allowed DMXAA to exit. A second set of molecular dynamics simulations compared the tendency of STING to be in an open-inactive conformation or a closed-active conformation. The results show that hSTING prefers to be in an open-inactive conformation even with cGAMP, the native ligand, bound. On the other hand, mSTING prefers a closed-active conformation even without a ligand bound. These results highlight the challenges in translating a mouse active STING compound into a human active compound, while also providing avenues to pursue for designing a small-molecule drug targeting human STING.
V1 李士一 声望 1 生物科学与生物技术 2025-03-05 22:50:33 上传
Molecular Simulations of Solved Co-crystallized X-Ray Structures Identify Action Mechanisms of PDEδ Inhibitors
Abstract PDEδ is a small protein that binds and controls the trafficking of RAS subfamily proteins. Its inhibition protects initiation of RAS signaling, and it is one of the common targets considered for oncological drug development. In this study, we used solved x-ray structures of inhibitor-bound PDEδ targets to investigate mechanisms of action of six independent all-atom MD simulations. An analysis of atomic simulations combined with the molecular mechanic-Poisson-Boltzmann solvent accessible surface area/generalized Born solvent accessible surface area calculations led to the identification of action mechanisms for a panel of novel PDEδ inhibitors. To the best of our knowledge, this study is one of the first in silico investigations on co-crystallized PDEδ protein. A detailed atomic-scale understanding of the molecular mechanism of PDEδ inhibition may assist in the design of novel PDEδ inhibitors. One of the most common side effects for diverse small molecules/kinase inhibitors is their off-target interactions with cardiac ion channels and human-ether-a-go-go channel specifically. Thus, all of the studied PDEδ inhibitors are also screened in silico at the central cavities of hERG1 potassium channels.
V1 Brandyn 声望 1 生物科学 2025-03-05 14:06:40 上传
Promiscuous Binding of Karyopherinβ1 Modulates FG Nucleoporin Barrier Function and Expedites NTF2 Transport Kinetics
Abstract The transport channel of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) contains a high density of intrinsically disordered proteins that are rich in phenylalanine-glycine (FG)-repeat motifs (FG Nups). The FG Nups interact promiscuously with various nuclear transport receptors (NTRs), such as karyopherins (Kaps), that mediate the trafficking of nucleocytoplasmic cargoes while also generating a selectively permeable barrier against other macromolecules. Although the binding of NTRs to FG Nups increases molecular crowding in the NPC transport channel, it is unclear how this impacts FG Nup barrier function or the movement of other molecules, such as the Ran importer NTF2. Here, we use surface plasmon resonance to evaluate FG Nup conformation, binding equilibria, and interaction kinetics associated with the multivalent binding of NTF2 and karyopherinβ1 (Kapβ1) to Nsp1p molecular brushes. NTF2 and Kapβ1 show different long- and short-lived binding characteristics that emerge from varying degrees of molecular retention and FG repeat binding avidity within the Nsp1p brush. Physiological concentrations of NTF2 produce a collapse of Nsp1p brushes, whereas Kapβ1 binding generates brush extension. However, the presence of prebound Kapβ1 inhibits Nsp1p brush collapse during NTF2 binding, which is dominated by weak, short-lived interactions that derive from steric hindrance and diminished avidity with Nsp1p. This suggests that binding promiscuity confers kinetic advantages to NTF2 by expediting its facilitated diffusion and reinforces the proposal that Kapβ1 contributes to the integral barrier function of the NPC.
V1 Althea 声望 1 生态与进化生物学系 2025-03-05 08:12:37 上传
Molecular Mechanism of Lipid Nanodisk Formation by Styrene-Maleic Acid Copolymers
Abstract Experimental characterization of membrane proteins often requires solubilization. A recent approach is to use styrene-maleic acid (SMA) copolymers to isolate membrane proteins in nanometer-sized membrane disks, or so-called SMA lipid particles (SMALPs). The approach has the advantage of allowing direct extraction of proteins, keeping their native lipid environment. Despite the growing popularity of using SMALPs, the molecular mechanism behind the process remains poorly understood. Here, we unravel the molecular details of the nanodisk formation by using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. We show how SMA copolymers bind to the lipid bilayer interface, driven by the hydrophobic effect. Due to the concerted action of multiple adsorbed copolymers, large membrane defects appear, including small, water-filled pores. The copolymers can stabilize the rim of these pores, leading to pore growth and membrane disruption. Although complete solubilization is not seen on the timescale of our simulations, self-assembly experiments show that small nanodisks are the thermodynamically preferred end state. Our findings shed light on the mechanism of SMALP formation and on their molecular structure. This can be an important step toward the design of optimized extraction tools for membrane protein research.
V2 何龙 声望 10 生物科学 2025-03-05 07:55:27 上传
Interactions of the Anticancer Drug Tamoxifen with Lipid Membranes
Abstract Interactions of the hydrophobic anticancer drug tamoxifen (TAM) with lipid model membranes were studied using calcein-encapsulated vesicle leakage, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) based force spectroscopy, and all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The addition of TAM enhances membrane permeability, inducing calcein to translocate from the interior to the exterior of lipid vesicles. A large decrease in the FTIR absorption band’s magnitude was observed in the hydrocarbon chain region, suggesting suppressed bond vibrational dynamics. Bilayer thickening was determined from SANS data. Force spectroscopy measurements indicate that the lipid bilayer area compressibility modulus KA is increased by a large amount after the incorporation of TAM. MD simulations show that TAM decreases the lipid area and increases chain order parameters. Moreover, orientational and positional analyses show that TAM exhibits a highly dynamic conformation within the lipid bilayer. Our detailed experimental and computational studies of TAM interacting with model lipid membranes shed new light on membrane modulation by TAM.
V1 刘洋 声望 1 动物资源科学 2025-03-04 13:41:18 上传
Dehomogenized Elastic Properties of Heterogeneous Layered Materials in AFM Indentation Experiments
Abstract Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used to study mechanical properties of biological materials at submicron length scales. However, such samples are often structurally heterogeneous even at the local level, with different regions having distinct mechanical properties. Physical or chemical disruption can isolate individual structural elements but may alter the properties being measured. Therefore, to determine the micromechanical properties of intact heterogeneous multilayered samples indented by AFM, we propose the Hybrid Eshelby Decomposition (HED) analysis, which combines a modified homogenization theory and finite element modeling to extract layer-specific elastic moduli of composite structures from single indentations, utilizing knowledge of the component distribution to achieve solution uniqueness. Using finite element model-simulated indentation of layered samples with micron-scale thickness dimensions, biologically relevant elastic properties for incompressible soft tissues, and layer-specific heterogeneity of an order of magnitude or less, HED analysis recovered the prescribed modulus values typically within 10% error. Experimental validation using bilayer spin-coated polydimethylsiloxane samples also yielded self-consistent layer-specific modulus values whether arranged as stiff layer on soft substrate or soft layer on stiff substrate. We further examined a biophysical application by characterizing layer-specific microelastic properties of full-thickness mouse aortic wall tissue, demonstrating that the HED-extracted modulus of the tunica media was more than fivefold stiffer than the intima and not significantly different from direct indentation of exposed media tissue. Our results show that the elastic properties of surface and subsurface layers of microscale synthetic and biological samples can be simultaneously extracted from the composite material response to AFM indentation. HED analysis offers a robust approach to studying regional micromechanics of heterogeneous multilayered samples without destructively separating individual components before testing.
V1 舒智 声望 2 生物安全 2025-03-04 12:58:36 上传
Bacterial Motility Reveals Unknown Molecular Organization
Abstract The water solubility of lyotropic liquid crystals (LCs) makes them very attractive to study the behavior of biological microorganisms in an environment where local symmetry is broken (as often encountered in nature). Several recent studies have shown a dramatic change in the behavior of flagellated bacteria when swimming in solutions of the lyotropic LC disodium cromoglycate (DSCG). In this study, the movements of Escherichia coli bacteria in DSCG-water solutions of different concentrations are observed to improve our understanding of this phenomenon. In addition, the viscosity of DSCG aqueous solutions is measured as a function of concentration at room temperature. We also experimentally identify a previously undescribed isotropic pretransition zone where bacteria start sticking to each other and to surfaces. Simple estimations show that the unbalanced osmotic pressure induced depletion force might be responsible for this sticking phenomenon. An estimate of the bacteria propulsive force and the DSCG aggregates length (versus concentration) are calculated from the measured viscosity of the medium. All these quantities are found to undergo a strong increase in the pretransition zone, starting at a threshold concentration of 6 ± 1 wt % DSCG that is well below the known isotropic-LC transition (∼10 wt %). This study also shines light on the motility of flagellated bacteria in realistic environments, and it opens new avenues for interesting applications such as the use of motile microorganisms to probe the physical properties of their host or smart bandages that could guide bacteria out of wounds.
V3 User152669 声望 3 2025-03-04 08:19:18 上传
Structural Analysis of a Temperature-Induced Transition in a Viral Capsid Probed by HDX-MS
Abstract Icosahedral viral capsids are made of a large number of symmetrically organized protein subunits whose local movements can be essential for infection. In the capsid of the minute virus of mice, events required for infection that involve translocation of peptides through capsid pores are associated with a subtle conformational change. In vitro, this change can be reversibly induced by overcoming the energy barrier through mild heating of the capsid, but little is known about the capsid regions involved in the process. Here, we use hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry to analyze the dynamics of the minute virus of mice capsid at increasing temperatures. Our results indicate that the transition associated with peptide translocation involves the structural rearrangement of regions distant from the capsid pores. These alterations are reflected in an increased dynamics of some secondary-structure elements in the capsid shell from which spikes protrude, and a decreased dynamics in the long intertwined loops that form the large capsid spikes. Thus, the translocation events through capsid pores involve a global conformational rearrangement of the capsid and a complex alteration of its equilibrium dynamics. This study additionally demonstrates the potential of hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry to explore in detail temperature-dependent structural dynamics in large macromolecular protein assemblies. Most importantly, it paves the way for undertaking novel studies of the relationship between structure, dynamics, and biological function in virus particles and other large protein cages.

