2024-10-16 03:05:50


我最近做了一批高尔基法染色,都染完了,但是我不知道结果怎么分析。一般文献上分析较多的好像是树突的长度和分支数,用什么软件分析呢?怎么标记呢?还有什么指标可以分析呢?谢谢大家!   k.png

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一般高尔基染色是观察树突上的棘状突起(即树突棘)的最佳方法,用来测算树突棘的密度和大体形态(如蘑菇状、针状),指标为数密度,单位为 个/微米。我们实验室通常用高尔基染色测算此指标,无需借助任何软件分析。运用照相系统将图像放大1000倍后再将图片储存。在视图软件上放大图片,即可数出一段树突上的树突棘的总个数!将总个数除以此段树突的长度,既为树突棘的数密度。

2024-10-16 03:08:00

The image looks nice! However, you need to track the dendrites by adjusting focal plane and using software such as Neurolucida. Um... This is very time-consuming! I tried Photoshop and it works if you have acquired the images already. Another good option will be the NeuronJ plugin for ImageJ (http://www.imagescience.org/meijering/software/neuronj/). The parameters you can analyze include:

1. The number of branching points at various distances from the soma (Sholl Analysis). Note that there is also a plugin available for ImageJ. Check out the PDF instruction here: http://biology.ucsd.edu/labs/ghosh/software/ShollAnalysis.pdf

2. Total dendritic length.

3. The number of spines (per 10 um, and present the data in X spines/um or normalized spine density). However, a objective lens of around 100X magnification is normally required. If this would be ok for you, you can even classify the spines into different categories: filopodia-like spines (well, for confocal microscopy this type of spines could be easily recognized. I am not sure whether you can see it on Golgi-impregnated spines), mushroom-like spines, stubby spines, and thin spines. For further analysis, you can measure the spine head width, size and whatever. Note that this is also very labor-intensive!!!

My personal suggestion for those interested in image analysis is: download ImageJ first, and see how you can use it to fulfill your research purpose. You will never be disappointed!

Good luck!    

2024-10-16 03:10:27
