hsa-miR-625 和hsa-miR-625* |
对于你的这个问题,其实我也是一直存在这种想法的,就是没有去探究而已,经你这样一说,我又看了一下mirbase数据库,感觉他们的确没有什么差异的,记得第一次看见hsa-miR-625*这样标记的是在plosone杂志上,上面说了是hsa-miR-625的互补序列。但是在用到像hsa-mir-532-5p 和hsa-miR-532-3p标记时,是实验室的一个同学构建miRNA表达质粒上遇到的,所以也就略知一二。但是他们之间到底有什么差异,我看了一些,没有找到,因为好像有的是用的hsa-miR-625 和hsa-miR-625*,而另外一些是用的hsa-mir-532-5p 和hsa-miR-532-3p,而在一些文献上没有特别的说明,比如现在mirbase数据库上的hsa-miR-17用的是hsa-miR-17和hsa-miR-17*,但是在一篇最新(09.5.4)的gene development上一篇文章(The miR-200 family determines the epithelial phenotype of cancer cells by targeting the E-cadherin repressors ZEB1 and ZEB2)中用到的是hsa-miR-17-3p,呵呵,这个到底有没有差异我想应该是没有的。应该最后会统一的吧,或者说他们真正的有差别,但是我不知道,呵呵。希望有知道一起分享一下。但是现在比较流行用hsa-mir-532-5p 和hsa-miR-532-3p,可能这也是最后的版本吧。 |
hsa-miR-625 和hsa-miR-625*hsa-mir-532-5p 和hsa-miR-532-3p |
It refers to the arm the mature sequence comes from. In the beginning people used the miR and miR* notation for guiding (functional) mature miRNA (miR) and passenger (non-functional) mature miRNA (miR*). But then it was realized, that both arms can be functional, or they can share the function by switching between the 'left' and the 'right' arm, known as 'microRNA arm-switching'. That can happen between different tissues. In one tissue, the 'left' mature is expressed (-5p) and in another the 'right' one (-3p). miR and miR* would be confusing, since both are functional, but you cannot call both miR*, so researchers changed the notation to -5p and -3p. |
提问时间: | 2025-03-11 |
浏览量: | 4105 |
最近回答: | 2025-03-11 |